Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day BBQ: The results

Some barbecue can be done fairly quickly. Ribs, for example, can be smoked and finished in the oven in under four hours and turn out tender, juicy, and flavorful.

Alas, not so for brisket. Two hours in the smoke (all I could manage with two kids under 4 and a list of home projects) was not enough to really give the meat the flavor I was hoping for. After finishing in the oven the meat was tender and juicy, and the outer surface where the rub and smoke were intense had great flavor. But the interior was more or less well done roast beef.

One consolation was that the meat juices added to the barbecue sauce produced some of the best sauce I've tasted. So with enough sauce the brisket was pretty good, but it wasn't real barbecue. Back to the drawing board on this one.

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